Monday, April 30, 2012

What's your favorite place in the watershed?

Through the course of the watershed based planning process, there has been a lot of discussion about impairments and problem areas in the river. But what about all the wonderful places that make this a river worth preserving? With spring in full bloom, now is the perfect time to get out and reconnect with all the places in nature that make our role as environmental stewards so rewarding.

When AKRF was conducting the existing conditions assessment last spring, we snapped this picture of a spring wildflower (bloodroot) found growing just off a trail in the Saugatuck Falls Natural Area. It reminded us that beauty is abundant throughout the watershed, and available to anyone who takes a moment to look.

What about you? Do you have a favorite place for fishing or birdwatching? Do you have a photo that visually represents the scenic or environmental value of this important river? If so, we'd love to see or hear about it!